Recommended: Indie developers are trying to make horse games that don’t suck. It’s not easy

Earlier this year, I was interviewed by Cheyenne Macdonald for the tech and gaming site Engadget. I only just realized that Cheyenne ended up interviewing a handful of devs from the teams of Astride and Unbridled: That Horse Game and that the resulting article was published a few months ago!

I can only recommend having a look for yourself:

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“We’ve learned a lot, but our mission to make great horse games hasn’t changed” – Reflecting on Equestrian The Game with Kavalri Games’ Molly Ericson

Equestrian the Game is a mobile game about owning, training and breeding horses. Kavalri Games’ co-founder and CEO Molly Ericson sat down for a call with me to discuss some critical learnings about making free-to-play games and how to handle players and their feedback, about what’s left in store for ETG and what we can expect from Kavalri games in the future.

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Game Release: Tales of Rein Ravine is Now Available on Steam For Free

Tales of Rein Ravine is a new horse game now available in Steam Early Access at no cost. While “an intriguing story - more mature than typical in its genre” is planned for the future, the Early Access version of ToRR doesn’t have much narrative content yet, but lets you take riding lessons and explore.

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Preview: I tried the VR Edition of Rival Stars Horse Racing and it's Looking Pretty Good

Between my talk at devcom and a ton of interesting horse game related conversations, I’ve had an absolutely splendid time at gamescom in Cologne this year. One highlight that I want to tell you all more about is this though: I got to try the upcoming VR Edition of Rival Stars Horse Racing

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Adding Horses to your Game: Tips, Resources, Do’s and Don’ts

This article is aimed at game developers who want to include horses in their games without making the same couple of basic mistakes that make equestrians cry. 

I’m trying to keep this text as accessible as possible for people without prior knowledge of horses and equestrianism. The intention is to give game creators a starting point for further research and some ideas for how to add a bit of depth, variety and authenticity to their portrayal of horses. 

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Game Announcement Roundup: Here are 6 New and Upcoming Horse Games to have a Look at

Let’s have a brief look at a handful of games that were announced or released recently: I may not bee able to try them all out or research them in depth, but I can at the very least tell you that they exist, and maybe some of TMQ’s readers want to take a closer look at these new projects. 

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“We expect to support the game for years to come” – Insights on Rival Stars Horse Racing from PikPok CEO Mario Wynands

Rival Stars Horse Racing is something of a rarity in our niche: it’s a polished game aimed at adult players, that’s generally well received and getting regular content updates. For the game’s five year anniversary, I sat down for a call with PikPok CEO Mario Wynands in order to talk about the game’s history, its position in the horse game market and why it takes different approaches to different platforms.

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The Sims 4 Horse Ranch – An Alright Experience that Could Have Been So Much More

When the long hoped-for Sims 4: Horse Ranch expansion pack released in July 2023, I briefly thought I would be on time and relevant with a review for once. And then I got distracted and put on sick leave. My in-depth look at the Horse Ranch pack may no longer be timely, but it will be overly elaborate and familiarly pedantic about equine accuracy, because that’s what you all come to The Mane Quest for, isn’t it. 

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Game Announcement & Key Giveaway! My First Horse: Adventures on Seahorse Island

My First Horse: Adventures on Seahorse Island is a brand new casual adventure game released on Steam for PC on April 8th 2024. The game promises an adventure about a young girl called Olivia that lets you explore the titular Seahorse Island, take care of and bond with your horse, take pictures and find hidden treasures.

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