Introducing The Bridle Paths: A New Website about Horses in Games, Films and More!

Laura is a horse girl on a mission to educate, analyze and report on horses in media. The Bridle Paths is her brand new website where she plans to do just that.

Laura is a lifelong equestrian from Italy, where it’s been at times difficult for her to get riding opportunities for leisure in a rather competition-focused community. “I compensated a lot with movies, books and games,” she tells me. Apart from her Bridle Paths project, Laura is about to participate in a professional horse care and training program, as well as doing a course about video game journalism. In short, she is well set up to tackle this exact overlap that I also occupy with my own work.

In one of her first articles titled A Horse Girl With No Games, Laura describes her experience with horse riding itself, with discovering the horse games of old and her eventual realization – in part thanks to discovering The Mane Quest a few years ago – that she wasn’t just a picky player, there was actually a lot of areas for horse games to be better from a mechanical and narrative standpoint.

Calling Aragorn, Little Creek, Geralt of Rivia and Phoebus “horse girls” regardless of their gender is objectively correct, thank you.

On her newly launched site, Laura intends to dive into horse media of all sorts, with a focus on video games and movies. At the moment, the various categories on the site are a promise of what’s to come, rather than already offering the content itself. Still, I can already highly recommend her introductory article A Horse Girl With No Games as well as this breakdown of how Dragonsdale: Skydancer is a horse book at heart despite not containing a single equine. Very soon, Laura will also publish an interview with yours truly, about The Mane Quest and what’s been changing in the horse game market since I started my own site.

Personally, I am thrilled to receive some “competition” in the horse game website space! There is absolutely room for more opinions, more experiences, and more communities than my own. I would much rather have a whole network of good, interesting and diverse horse game reporting rather than have the monopoly on it.

Make sure to bookmark The Bridle Paths and follow it on Facebook or Instagram to see future articles when they launch and to diversify your horse game news feed! I am sure showing Laura and her work some love and enthusiasm will be excellent motivation for her to fill the site with content.