Announcing the TMQ Horse Game Press & Influencer Contact List – Sign up now!

I’m putting together a contact list for creators of horse game related content – YouTubers, Twitch streamers, TikTokers, game writers… as long as you’re interested in making content about horse games, this list is for you! 

My intention is that next time a studio making a horse game asks me for relevant influencers (which has happened on a handful of occasions), I will have a proper resource for them rather than just naming a handful of people from the top of my head. 

Sign up here: 

Developers and studios with horse-relevant games to promote can then contact me and I can forward their outreach to the relevant creators.
Please help spread the word by sharing this post with any horse game content creators that you follow!

This information and a link to the sign-up form has also been added at the top of the website, see