Announcing the TMQ Horse Game Press & Influencer Contact List – Sign up now!

I’m putting together a contact list for creators of horse game related content – YouTubers, Twitch streamers, TikTokers, game writers… as long as you’re interested in making content about horse games, this list is for you!
My intention is that next time a studio making a horse game asks me for relevant influencers (which has happened on a handful of occasions), I will have a proper resource for them rather than just naming a handful of people from the top of my head.
Sign up here:
Developers and studios with horse-relevant games to promote can then contact me and I can forward their outreach to the relevant creators.
Please help spread the word by sharing this post with any horse game content creators that you follow!
This information and a link to the sign-up form has also been added at the top of the website, see
How do horses live? What does a stable look like? Splendid barn aesthetics are nice to have for humans, but what horses really need are the so-called three Fs: Friends, Forage and Freedom. Today I want to have a look at what meeting those needs looks like and how horse-focused media can play an important role in education and normalization when it comes to the question of “What should a cool, fancy, high quality stable look like?”
Windstorm: The Legend of Khiimori is live on Kickstarter now! I would tell you more about what that means for the game and kinds of rewards you can get, but honestly, the campaign page speaks for itself and deserves a look whether or not you plan to back!
Part of my joy in writing these reviews comes from telling you in excruciating detail about the games you don’t already know and care about. This game has 11 reviews on Steam in total, so I can actually add relevant insight here – and I personally was very interested in this game considering the history of its franchise.
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I both adore Stardew Valley but also find its horse incredibly underwhelming. It turns out that a recent conversation invigorated someone else in their long-held belief that the Stardew Valley horse could be so much cooler: Over on the Punished Backlog blog, Amanda Tien dives into the many ways in which mechanical and emotional depth could be added to our sadly underdeveloped pixel horse.
Frustrated once again by indie game developers’ over-reliance on the massively flawed Horse Animset Pro, I have taken to Reddit like a proper “angry person online” and wrote a deep dive aimed at gamedevs on the gamedev subreddit showcasing why I can’t really recommend people use the most popular animated horse asset.
A PlayStation 5 game by the name of Horses 2025 has recently appeared on the PlayStation Store. A Cinematic Trailer was posted today via the official PlayStation YouTube Channel. Let’s take a look at why I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of this listing and why I consider it highly unlikely that anyone will get a quality experience out of this.
A new release of an old horse game is raising suspicions in the community: Let’s take a quick look at what we know so far, and why you might be better off saving your money
Today we get to look at two recently released horse games that may have flown under your radar.
Both of these games came to my attention because their creators used the TMQ communities to find interested players. They might not fulfill every horse game dream you’ve had, but they’re sure worth a look if you’re willing to try something new and support independent developers at a very affordable price tag.