Posts tagged mrs-series
Review: My Life: Riding Stables 3 is a Vast Improvement over its Predecessors, Held Back by Store-Bought Horse Animation and Bad Balancing

Part of my joy in writing these reviews comes from telling you in excruciating detail about the games you don’t already know and care about. This game has 11 reviews on Steam in total, so I can actually add relevant insight here – and I personally was very interested in this game considering the history of its franchise. 

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[UPDATED] My Riding Stables 2: A New Adventure Announced for PS4 and Switch

My Riding Stables 2: A New Adventure is scheduled to release this year (exact dates vary) on Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch. Thanks to a chat with RokaPublish Managing Director Robert Kaiser, I’ve been able to learn a bit more about the project than is currently publicly available.

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Recommended: "Horse Games Are Trash and I’m Over It"

About a month ago, a passionate rant posted to the /r/Games forum on Reddit brought the topic of horse games and their faults to a wide audience. The Plaid Horse, an online magazine dedicated to horses and equestrianism, approached the post’s author shortly afterwards to share a slightly edited version of the Reddit rant on their blog.

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My Riding Stables: Life With Horses/Your Horse Breeding — Horse Fans Deserve Better

I was cautiously optimistic: a remake of an okay-ish horse game, with a new stylized look? Surely, if this game went about improving the right things that bothered me about the last version, we might finally have a decent horse game on our hands.
At the risk of “spoiling” this review: this game is absolutely not decent.

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