Recommended: Most animated horse assets you can buy are subpar in terms of anatomy and not good enough if your target audience includes "people who like horses"
This is already old news for anyone who follows The Mane Quest on social media, but I’d like to have it here for completion’s sake: Frustrated once again by indie game developers’ over-reliance on the massively flawed Horse Animset Pro, I have recently taken to Reddit like a proper “angry person online” and wrote a deep dive aimed at gamedevs on the gamedev subreddit showcasing why I can’t really recommend people use the most popular animated horse asset.
Find the full post here. I was thrilled to see that the thing got over 1600 upvotes and dozens of very supportive and interested comments. That’s not something I take for granted in a non-horsie community where “omg who cares” is always a possible response.
For this post, I’ve also put together a new illustration of common issues with horse legs (see below), that I’ve also added to my Horse Animation Resources post. May my scribbles with unfortunate color schemes help someone out there make fewer equestrians cry.
What’s perhaps worth putting extra emphasis on: Horse Herd, an animated asset pack with vastly fewer glaring anatomy issues, is now out for Unity, a few years after its initial release for Unreal Engine. So do check that out and consider it as an alternative, if you’re a developer in the market for horse asset packs.