Horse Trek – A Long Faced Journey — A Star Trek fan Dating Sim with... Horses?
Solo game developer Mawleen reached out to me to tell me about their game, and I thought I might as well post a quick article about it: Horse Trek - a Long Faced Journey is a fluffy, cozy Dating Sim game where you play as a human and date sentient horses.
It’s not exactly my usual wheelhouse, but I have to admit this sounds cute:
Dating sim + Horses + Star Trek setting = This game!
You are a human starfleet science ensign joining the USS Epona, which is run by sentient horses from the planet Equineox who are the latest species to join the Federation. USS Epona is going on a mission to find the Golden Carrot in the Horsehead Nebula, all thanks to you!
On the way there, you'll get to know all kinds of wonderful horses, including captain Winnie, chief science officer Milo, and security ensign Jack. Thanks to their famous horse's hospitality, you're bound to fall head over hooves for someone of them!
This is a very SFW dating sim when it comes to the romance part, it's mostly fluffy, cozy dating, just so you know :)
The visual novel style game is still in development, with only one of the three love interests currently playable. As a fan game using the Star Trek setting, it is available for free and will stay free. And I know that some of y’all will appreciate it for the horse puns alone.
If a free sentient horse sci fi dating sim sounds like something you’d have a go at, you can find more info and download Horse Trek right here on itch.
A PlayStation 5 game by the name of Horses 2025 has recently appeared on the PlayStation Store. A Cinematic Trailer was posted today via the official PlayStation YouTube Channel. Let’s take a look at why I have serious doubts about the legitimacy of this listing and why I consider it highly unlikely that anyone will get a quality experience out of this.