AMA Session with the Lead Designer of Horse Club Adventures, June 17th on the TMQ Discord


I’m thrilled to announce that the TMQ Community will have its first ever developer AMA (Ask Me Anything)!

This Thursday, Producer and Lead Designer of Horse Club Adventures Michael Hengst will be answering all your questions about the recently released Horse Club game and its upcoming sequel.

The AMA will take place in the #horse-club-adventures channel on our Community Discord, which you can join here. If you’re not already part of the community, I recommend joining a bit in advance so you can make yourself comfortable and have a look around beforehand!

Michael will start answering questions at about 8pm CEST, so be sure to look up what that means for your own time zone!

If you can’t make it, you can always read up on it all later on – or just join the community either way!

Not sure yet what to ask him? Read the developer interview to get a first insight into Michael’s work.