Support The Mane Quest


The Mane Quest is a hobby project, but one I’d absolutely love to spend more time on.

I’d prefer to keep the page free of advertisement in order to not be dependant on clicks, so if you are looking for ways to support this website, here’s what you can do:

Spread the Word

The Mane Quest does not pay for any marketing, so the only way for more people to hear about it is for you and me to talk about it! Here’s a few ideas on how to help the community grow:

  • Share links to articles you like on social media. This usually works best if you add a personal message

  • When you see people talking about horse-related content in video games online or in person, let them know that The Mane Quest exists

  • Follow TMQ to easily share and retweet: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

  • Leave comments on the blog articles or on social media to let me and others know if you liked something in particular

Buy our Merch

In the TMQ Redbubble Shop, you can easily get hold of cool stickers, shirts, bags and more with the iconic Horse+Controller Logo.

Click here to see our favorite items.


Buy me a ko-fi. Ko-Fi is a donation page that lets you easily send over a few bucks.

I wholeheartedly appreciate any and all support, but please do not donate if you yourself are struggling to make ends meet.